1. NOAH: Leaders do what’s right even if they are alone (Gen. 6)
2.ABRAHAM: Leaders welcome the unknown (Gen. 12)
3. JOSEPH: Leaders bounce back from tough situations (Gen. 37)
4.MOSES: Leaders stick with their people. (Exodus 3)
5. JOSHUA: Leaders rule by example rather than by just bossing people around (Joshua 34)
6. DAVID: Leaders are not afraid of giants (I Samuel 17)
7. ISAIAH: Leaders rise to the occasion (Isaiah 6)
8. DANIEL: Leaders stay determined (Daniel 6)
9. JOHN THE BAPTIST: Leaders aren't afraid to call it how it is (Matthew 3)
10.JESUS CHRIST: Leaders are servants (John 13)
11. SIMON PETER: Leaders recover from failure (Acts 2)
12. PAUL: Leaders are passionate about what they believe in (Acts 9)